Closest to nature – Organic Reishi
Reishi, Ganoderma lucidum, also the lingzhi mushroom or ‘Mushroom of Immortality’, contains a substantial amount of bioactive substances and whereby its positive effect on human health has been scientifically documented. Mainly the high concentrations of polysaccharides and antioxidants, which are present in Reishi, have come to the forefront of scientific interest.
Package content: 100g Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body organic powder (biomass/powder)
Weight content: 100g
Excipients: no excipients, additives or preservatives
About Reishi
Reishi has had its strong position in traditional Chinese medicine as a precious mushroom that for centuries has promoted vitality and long life. Its Chinese name in English means ‘Mushroom of Immortality’. It has also been used as a symbol of happiness. This clearly shows how much this mushroom is still valued today.
Many of its traditional effects have already been demonstrated in scientific studies. Among others, its bioactive substances include polysaccharides and antioxidants. The research of this medicinal mushroom particularly focuses on immunomodulatory and anti-tumour properties.
The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers are our highest priority. All of our products are regularly tested for heavy metals, pesticides and other substances that burden the human body. This product also meets the criteria for BIO, biological farming

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