Closest to nature – Organic Chaga powder
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) grows mainly on birch tree in Eastern Europe, Siberia and also the northern regions of China. The inhabitants of Siberia make decoctions with it to treat tumours and call it the ‘Gift from God’.
Package content: 100g Inonotus obliquus fruiting body organic powder (biomass/powder)
Weight content: 100g
Excipients: no excipients, additives or preservatives
About Chaga
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus, Kabanoanatake, also known as clinker polypore or birch canker polypore) is a wood-decaying, Polyporaceae which grows mainly on birch. First it creates perennial fruiting bodies up to 35 cm long and later, when the tree dies and the mycelium goes deep beneath the bark, the perfect fruiting bodies are formed. It comes from the regions of Russia and Siberia; we can often find it in the northern Poland, etc. Chaga has been part of traditional Russian medicine for several centuries. It’s mostly used by the Khanty people and is very valuable to them. Chaga is rich in bioactive substances; besides vitamins and minerals, it also contains melanin which makes it dark, triterpene compounds betulin and betulinic acid which are obtained from its birch host, obliquol, as well as very important polysaccharides – beta-glucans, flavonoids, sterols or pteridines. Chaga grown on birch trees in northern China (Heilongjiang Province) and eastern Siberia where nature is virtually untouched by man.
The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers are our highest priority. All of our products are regularly tested for heavy metals, pesticides and other substances that burden the human body. This product also meets the criteria for BIO, biological farming

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